Archive for the ‘Golf Tournament’ Category

23rd Anniversary

Today is the 23rd anniversary of Alister’s passing. I’d like to take this time to thank the folks that have been instrumental in the success of the Major Alister C. McGregor Memorial Foundation and keeping Al in our hearts and minds. First and foremost, the McGregor Board of Directors would like to thank all our sponsor, donors and participants, who over the past 23 years have been responsible for funding the McGregor Endowment at Roger Williams University, the McGregor Scholarships and Children’s Charities which have funded programs and projects that invest in our youth. Recipients have been Blackstone Valley Family Services, Make a Wish Foundation, the Special Olympics, the Open Doors Project, the Playground Initiative and many more.

I would like to thank the other members of the Board of Directors: Andrew Berg, Esq., Captain Thomas Rush, Lt. Darren Ellinwood, Captain James Nelson, Sgt. Kenneth Luke, Sgt. Todd Poland, Det. Cpl. Kevin Feeney, Paul Feeney with a special thanks to our Tournament Director Stacy Feeney, and Lt. Cliff McGregor. We would also like to thank the businesses that have helped us run our business: Feeney & Pinkerton LLC (accounting), Sammartino & Berg LLP (legal), Smithfield WebWorks (web management), East Providence Mail & Freight (shipping and receiving), Graphic Ink (graphics and merchandise), Silva Advertising (promotions and merchandise) and Signs of the Times (printing and promotions), and a special thank you to our volunteers, Nicole, Alyssa, Stephanie, Lori Ann, and Kathy. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication over the past 23 years.

Thank you to all who have gathered in the past, as they are gathering today, to celebrate the life of a friend, son, brother, father, husband, Air Force veteran and police captain, Alister Crawford McGregor. May your dreams live on as you rest in peace.

We’d also like to take this opportunity to announce that the 24th Annual Major Alister C. McGregor Memorial Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, September 8th, 2025 at Crestwood Country Club in Rehoboth Mass. Registration notices will be sent out at a later date.

Finally, if anyone would like to make a tax deductible donation to the McGregor Fund, a 401(c) (3), you can send your donation to:

The McGregor Fund
105 Waterman Avenue #287
East Providence, RI 02914

Again, thank you all for your generosity, caring, participation and love over these many years.

Walter Barlow

Alister C. McGregor Tournament 2024

The 23rd Annual Major Alister C. McGregor Memorial Golf Tournament 2024 will be held at Crestwood Country Club, Rehoboth MA on Monday, September 9th, 2024. Registration is at 7:00 AM with a shotgun start at 8:00 AM. Coffee and pastries will be served before play begins. There will be lunch at the turn and dinner shortly after play ends. Anyone interested in entering a foursome or volunteering at the event, please contact through our website at, or email us at Foursomes are assigned on a first come/first served basis. This Tournament is always full and it fills fast; so, notifications must be sent ASAP with the names in your foursome. Those submitting foursomes and vendors wishing to donate may send their fees and/or contributions to ACM Fund. 105 Waterman Avenue #287, East Providence, RI 02914.

Thank you for all your support over the past 23 years. We look forward to seeing and hearing from our partners in our charitable endeavors. It’s been 23 years, but it still seems like yesterday. Support your police, fire and military…they, like many of you, make sacrifices every single day for all of us.

Walter Barlow
Pres. ACM Fund

23nd Annual Major Alister C. McGregor Memorial Golf Tournament

The Major Alister C McGregor 23rd Memorial Golf Tournament will be held on September 9th, 2024 at Crestwood Country Club in Rehoboth, Massachusetts. We will be accepting requests to reserve foursomes some time in April or May 2024.
This year, the McGregor Fund awarded four scholarships through the McGregor Endowment at Roger Williams University. Our mission also provides grants and funds for youth oriented activities, programs and projects to help kids just be kids and to learn, live and grow. If you have a need. If you think we can help. Click on our email and drop us a note that outlines your issue or request. Please include your contact information.

At this time, the McGregor Family and the McGregor Board of Directors would like to thank all our sponsors, donors and community for their incredible support over the past 23 years. In a world that seems to be falling apart, the residents of the City of East Providence know they are in the safest place that they can live. There is always hope. Where there is hope…the men and women of the East Providence Police and Fire Departments are answering the call with professionalism, pride and integrity. We never forget that we are here for you. Stay safe and healthy until we meet again.

22nd Annual Major Alister C. McGregor Memorial Golf Tournament

The 22nd Major Alister C. McGregor Memorial Golf Tournament 2023 will be held at Crestwood Country Club, Rehoboth MA on Monday, September 11th, 2023. Registration is at 7:00 AM with a shotgun start at 8:00 AM. Coffee and pastries will be served before play begins. There will be lunch at the turn and dinner shortly after play ends. Anyone interested in entering a foursome or volunteering at the event, please contact through our website at, or email us at Foursomes are assigned on a first come/first served basis.

This Tournament is always full and it fills fast; so, notifications must be sent ASAP with the names in your foursome. Those submitting foursomes and vendors wishing to donate may send their fees and/or contributions to ACM Fund, 105 Waterman Avenue #287, East Providence, RI 02914.

Thank you for all your support over the past 22 years. We look forward to seeing and hearing from our partners in our charitable endeavors. It’s been 22 years, but it still seems like yesterday. Support your police, fire and military…they like many of you sacrifice for us every single day. 

Walter Barlow
Pres. ACM Fund

21st Major Alister C. McGregor Memorial Golf Tournament 2022 will be held at Crestwood Country Club, Rehoboth MA on Monday, September 12th, 2022

The 21st Major Alister C. McGregor Memorial Golf Tournament 2022 will be held at Crestwood Country Club, Rehoboth MA on Monday, September 12th, 2022. Registration is at 7:00 AM with a shotgun start at 8:00 AM. Coffee and pastries will be served before play begins. There will be lunch at the Turn and dinner shortly after play ends. Anyone interested in entering a foursome or volunteering at the event, please contact through our website at, or email us at

Foursomes are assigned on a first come/first served basis. This Tournament is always full and it fills fast; so, notifications must be sent ASAP with the names in your foursome. Those submitting foursomes and vendors wishing to donate may send their fees and/or contributions to ACM Fund. 105 Waterman Avenue #287, East Providence, RI 02914. Thank you for all your support over the past 21 years. We look forward to seeing and hearing from our partners in our charitable endeavors. It’s been 20 years, but it still seems like yesterday. Support your police, fire and military.

– Walter Barlow, President ACM Fund

Major Alister C. McGregor

The Major Alister C. McGregor Memorial Foundation
105 Waterman Avenue #287
East Providence, RI 02914


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