East Providence Police Station Dedication
Dear Friends,
I have been a little lax in getting messages out because I have been working on a few other projects. One of which is the dedication of the East Providence Police Station in Al’s name. On Tuesday, December 27th, 2011 at 11AM, the City of East Proviidence and the McGregor Family will be dedicating the Major Alister C. McGregor Pubiic Safety Complex. The public is invited to attend the ceremony at 750 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI with refreshments at Breed Hall located at the Senior Center at the corner of Waterman and Pawtucket Avenues following the brief dedication program. I realize that this is short notice, I was waiting for the plaque to be placed on the building to make sure we would meet the deadline.
This year marks the 10th year since Al passed. It only seems fitting that we mark the day with something to continue his legacy for his Family and the Department. This was the building where he worked. He kept a banker’s light burning in his office at night. The light stayed on for some time after he passed. The light was symbolic. To some it made them feel like they were home when they pulled in the lot. To others it was a simple reminder that he must be watching. I can not think of a better place to place his name.
I hope to see you there on the 27th. I will be updating the website with all kinds oif new things after the 1st. To all of our Sponsors, Donors, Golfers and Friends have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Walter H. Barlow, Jr.
Read more about the dedication of the Major Alister C. McGregor Public Safety Complex
in the East Providence Patch.