16th Annual Major Alister C. McGregor Memorial Golf Tournament and Fundraiser – Monday, September 11th, 2017
The 16th Annual Major Alister C. McGregor Memorial Golf Tournament and Fundraiser will be held on Monday, September 11th, 2017 at Creswood Country Club, Rehoboth, MA. Registration at the event will begin at 7AM with coffee and pastries being served. Following a shotgun start at 8AM, lunch at the turn, and raffle there will be dinner and an auction on the outdoor patio. Anyone wishing to register can do so by sending an email request for registration forms to acmmf5@mcgregormemorial.org (forms will be on our website by June 1st at mcgregormemorial.org). Tournament entry fees are $125 per golfer ($500 per foursome). Anyone wishing to volunteer for the event may do so my sending us an email.
Anyone wishing to donate a cash donation or raffle prize may do so by sending their donation to The McGregor Memorial Fund, 105 Waterman Avenue #287, East Providence, RI 02914. The McGregor Memorial Foundation is a registered non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible. Funds from donations are used to support a scholarship endowment at Roger Williams University and children’s charities. In the past, funds have been used to support programs such as a Special Olympian football team, the Open Doors project, and high school hockey.
Our mission is to provide opportunities and support for our greatest resource – our children, in honor and remembrance of Alister McGregor, a man who made the ultimate sacrifice training others to keep our children safe and secure in our communities. Never forget his sacrifice, and that of the many brave and selfless heroes who dared to stand on the line to protect their communities. Always Remember.