Golf Tournament Announcements & Thanks
Sponsors, Donors and Golfers,
After taking a week off to decompress and attend the Highland Games; it’s back to business. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, all, for the support that you have shown in making our 2011 fundraising and Golf Tournament a great success. There will be a lot of thanking going on in this letter. Please read it, and patronize the businesses that have contributed to this Partnership. Golfers, please, keep the ‘Thank You – ACM Fund’stickers in your wallet or your vehicle and, please, use them when visiting a member of our partnership.
The Tournament Winners:
1st Place – Bob Proulx, John Holahan and the Coca Cola Group
2nd Place – Mike Farnsworth, Joe Rocha, Ron Raposio and Rick Farnsworth
3nd Place – Bruce Moreau, Fred George, George Hovarth and Al Vitali
There was some confusion concerning the winners of the Mixed Couples winners. It seems that the Club thought Jimmy Faye was ‘Faye Jimmy’, who would have been First Place in the mixed division if in fact he was a female golfer. Therefore, First Place in the Mixed Couples went to: Ken Luke (the creator of this category – because Ken likes trophies and shiny things), Paula Luke, Clifff Moore and Sue Roberts.
Two foursomes tied for Second Place, the Arthur Clark foursome and the Nark Cadoret foursome. The Club had to go to the score cards for the tie-breaker which was lowest score on the back nine. The Second Place winners were: Mark Cadoret, Andy Benoit, Maari Stainer and Big Daddy Cadoret.
First, I would to thank Cassie and Andy Berg of Sammartino & Berg, LLP, our Tournament Sponsors for the past four years. A special thank you to Cassie for helping out at the Tournament this year.
Thank you to our Hole-In-One Sponsors, Ray Chaput and Bill Feeney of Chaput & Feeney, LLP, and Paul Feeney of PSR, Inc Automotive Service & Repair.
A special thanks to the McGregor Boys: Ian, Cliff, Derek and Cam.
Thanks to Karl Jacobson for rounding off the McGregor foursome, and to both you and Dick ‘Dr. Doom’ Szeliga for the pictures and traveling all that way to be with us.
Thank you to Bill Pilkington of Smithfield Webworks LLC. Bill designed, maintains and manages our website at
A special thank you to Agawam Hunt Country Club, Norm Alberigo and the entire Crew, as well as the Chef and Dining Room Staff.
A special thank you to Jim Miller, our Director of Tournament Operations for the past five years, and our Staff: Joan Miller, Bev Haley, Brenda Lister, Annie Agresti, Stacey Feeney, June Lundstrom, Alyssa Falvey and Wayne Aldrich.
Thank you to my fellow Board Members: Andy Berg, Tom Rush, Ken Luke, Todd Poland, Darren Ellinwood and Kevin Feeney.
A special thank you to David Bourque, President of State Line Scrap Company and Norm Cotter of Pine Valley Country Club for their generous donations to the ACM Fund.
Thank you to everyone that sent us pictures. Bill will be getting them up as soon as we screen them (if you know what I mean).
Thank you to our vendors/donors
Now, that was a lot of thank yous. I hope that I haven’t forgotten anything or anyone. Remember, use the ‘Thank You’ Stickers when visiting our business friends. Keep watching your email for an important and special announcement that will appear over the next several weeks. Also, keep an eye out for an email and website announcement for a special raffle, in the spring, for a custom, individually-fit set of golf clubs and bag to start the new season. Those of you waiting for shirts; they are being made as I write.
Remember that you can donate to the ACM Fund at any time. Contributions can be sent to: The ACM Fund, 500 Waterman Avenue #287, East Providence, RI 02914. Please visit our website at and the links to the Officer Down and C.O.P.S. homepages.
‘at is it fur noo.
Til tha’ moorns nicht,
Walter H. Barlow, Jr.