Older News
Older News
October 3, 2010 Update
Dear Sponsors and Donors,
After two very hectic weeks, I have finally found a chance to sit and address all our wonderful contributors that made this year's Tournament and fundraising another success story. As we are all aware, the past year has been very challenging for businesses, families and individuals throughout the region. Your incredible generosity is very overwhelming. We will be making another conbritution to the McGregor Endowment at Roger Williams University and we'll have additional funds for Individual Scholarship(s) which are dispursed through the ACM Fund.
I would like to take the time to give a special thanks to the McGRegor Fund board of directors, Sgt. Ken Luke, Sgt. Thomas Rush, Det. Cpl. Todd Poland, Det. Cpl. Kevin Feeney, Investigator Darren Ellinwood and our mouth-piece, Andy Berg. I woiuld also like to thank Cassie and Andy Berg of Sammartino and Berg, the sponsors of the Tournament for the past three years.
Thanks to the McGregor Boys who made the day of the Tournament complete. Cliff we missed you this year. This year was also very special because 11 year-old Cam McGregor was able to golf with us (No school!). My team consisted of Police Chaplin Greg Charpenter (for spiritual guidence), Det. Cpl. Kid Field (for abstract thought and perspective) and Cam (who is the only one who can apparently golf).
I would like to thank the Feeney Family – Paul Feeney of PSR Inc. Automotive Service and Repair of Bristol, Bill Feeney and Ray Chaput of Chaput and Feeney LLC of East Providence (Sponsors of the Hole-in-One Challenges), and Stacey and Lori for all your help.
I would also like to thank Karl and the Staff at Triggs Memorial, Yogi and his Crew from Sandbaggers and everyone that helped on the day of the event: Event Coordinator Jim Miller, Maria and Bobby Shaw, Brenda Lister, Bev Haley, Annie Agresti and June Lundstrom.
I'd like to thank God for the fine weather (the first time we weren't huddled over Triggs' NOAA weather radar).
Please, when considering a night out to dining or entertainment – or if you need an accoutant, a lawyer, insurance, a beverage, a coat dry cleaned, a hair cut, an undertaker, an eye exam and glasses, a round of golf, an ice cream cone, a cigar, a round of golf, a golf club, music leasons, a car stereo, car repairs, a tow, a big-league pitcher, a credit union, a trip or cruise, or just someone to annoy you (I know it's so hard to decide – it's a toss up between Bill Sloyer and Otto); please show our sponsors and donors who through their kindness and generosity over the years have shown us that others will never forget. Let's show them how much that means to us by patronizing their businesses. That means YOU, Verizon Guys who cleaned up at the raffle. The rest of them want you guys out for two years in a row of sash wimnning. Not me, though. Scroll down the list below when looking for a place to suit your needs. All of these businesses are unique and offer special products, services and atmospheres. These are with the people and the places that you will find me.
Next year will be the 10th Anniversary of the ACM Tournament. We plan on making it very special. The Board of Directors will be meeting over the next month to begin planning for next year. We hope that you will, once again, join us in 2011. For those of you who ordered ACM Tournament pull-overs or won Longest Drives and Closeest to the Pins, the order has been placed with the engravers and you'll have them very shortly.
To you, your families and employees have a safe and prosperous year.
Walter H. Barlow, Jr.
EPPD Captain (RET.)
August 10, Update
See the Scholarship page for 2010 Scholarship news.
July 31, Update
There is a change in the starting time of the Tournament. Normally we have registration at 8am and a shotgun start at 9. Triggs just informed me today that there is another tournament folllowing ours. Therefore registration will be at 7am with a shotgun start at 8am. Please, make the members of your foursome aware of the changes. I will be following this email up with a call to the points-of-contact for each group. Thank you. – WHB
July 30, 2010 Update
Sponsors, Donors and Golfers,
September 11th is closing in fast. If you intend to golf in the Tournament, please, send your fees ASAP for the foursomes that you have reserved. There are still people waiting in the wings to take up the remaining spots.
If you intent to submit a sponsorship, please forward the fees in order to have your sign made for display at the tournament, in our booklet and on the website.
I am extremely pleased that many of you have returned to continue our partnership in our efforts to perpetuate Al's memory. I am very excited to have new sponsors like the Red Bridge Tavern and donors like the Harbourside Restaurant in East Greenwich join our family. If I fail to list anyone, I assure you that your name and your business will not go unmentioned over and over again.
As a result of our efforts last year, $10,000 dollars was added to the endowment at Roger Williams University. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Michele Allaux from RWU for all her help with managing the endowment.
In addition, our efforts also allowed The Fund to provide two scholarships to Jennifer and Caitlin Allen that were separate and apart from the Endowment Scholarship given to Laura Kelly. We cannot thank all of you enough for your kindness and generosity. I would also like to thank Bill Pilkington of Smithfield Webworks for his contribution and management of our website.
As always, I'll take this time to encourage everyone to visit our sponsors and donors page at www.mcgregormemorial.org to see the names of businesses and friends that have joined our family. I also encourage you to patronize those places that have demonstrated a sincerity that reminds us that people care for and honor those who have made the greatest sacrifice, and the families they have left behind. Those are the places where you will, certainly, find me.
Walter H. Barlow, Jr.
Captain, EPPD (Retired)
Event Coordinator
July 9, 2010 Update
Dear Sponsors, Donors and Golfers,
The deadline for submitting fees for your foursomes is July 30, 2010. So, hurry and secure your spot in the Tournament. There are only a number of spots left. As you know, the Tournament is filled on a first come/first serve basis. Several new foursomes have expressed their desire, or made their commitment for September 11th at Triggs Memorial. So, please, get your foursome entered before it's too late.
In other news, the McGregor Family and Roger Williams University are pleased to announce that the Major Alister C. McGregor Endowment Scholarship for 2010 has been awarded to Laura Kelly of Londondary, New Hamshire. Laura is the daughter of Sergeant Thomas Christopher Kelly, Derry Police Department, New Hampshire. End of Watch: Sunday, September 17, 1989
Sergeant Thomas Kelly, a 10 year veteran of the Derry Police Department, died at the age of 35 as a result of respiratory failure from prolonged exposure to lead and toxic gases in the department's shooting range. Sergeant Kelly served as the range officer at the time of his death.
Sergeant Kelly was survived by his expectant wife and son.
In addition, the McGregor Family and the Board of Directors of the McGregor Memorial Fund are pleased to announce that the daughters of Providence Detective Sgt. James Allen, Caitlin and Jennifer Allen, will also receive 2010 scholarships.
We are so grateful to all our sposors, donors and golfers. Your generosity and partnership demonstartes a genuine, caring commitment to the families of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. I encourage all involved in the McGregor Memorial Fund Partnership to patronize the businesses of our sponsors and donors to show them our appreciation for their thoughfulness.
Laura, Caitlin and Jennifer – best wishes in all your future endeavers.
Walter H. Barlow, Jr.
May 8, 2010 Update
Please, respond as soon as possible because foursomes are going quickly and, as you know, the tournament is filled on a first come/first served basis.
May 8, 2010
It is that time of year, again, to reserve a foursome for the ACM Fund golf outing. This year the tournament will be held, as usual, on September 11, 2010 at Triggs Memorial Golf Course. The event will take place on a Saturday this
year; so, I am sure that it will fill very quickly. So reserve your foursome as soon as possible.
On a personal note, I would like to apologize for my long period of absence from updating you on matters concerning the Memorial Fund and site. I was dealing with a family health issue and trying to settle matters at work in order to
retire; which most of you know has happened. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate my fellow retirees: Ptlmn Roland Sabourin, Det. Cpl. Brooke McGregor, Det. Cpl. John Rossi, Det. Cpl. David Abbott, Det. Cpl. Alan
Schroder, Det. Cpl. Lawrence Skelton, Cpl. (Inspector) John Twomey, Det. Lt. Steven Kennedy, Lt. John Wyrostek, Capt. Glen Hogan, Capt. Dennis Charbonneau and Major Donald Dubois.
I would also like to congratulate all the officers recently promoted to those ranks.
Over the next couple of weeks, mailings with be sent regarding the Tournament and contributions (as soon as I can find my thumbnail drive in all the junk I cleaned out of the office).
Thank you for your support,
Walter H. Barlow, Jr.
2009 Golf Tournament a Success
Dear Friends,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors, donors and golfers for making the 8th Annual Major Alister C. McGregor Golf Tournament a great success. The day was a little soggy from time to time; however, it was a grand day with friends – to honor the memory of a good friend. This year we will be adding another $10,000.00 to the Alister C. McGregor Endowment at Roger Williams University.
Once again, I would like to take this opportunity to encourage all our supporters, friends and family to patronize the businesses that have supported and contributed to this worthy cause. When you visit these businesses let them know how much we appreciate them for their generosity and commitment to the McGregor Endowment and our Law Enforcement family.
Walter H. Barlow, Jr.
2009 Scholarship Information
The Board of Directors and the McGregor Family are pleased to announce that the recipients of the Major Alister C. McGregor Memorial Fund 2009 Scholarships are the daughters of Providence Detective Sgt. James Allen. Caitlin Allen attends Worcester Polytechnic Institute and Jennifer Allen attends Roger Williams University.
The Alister C. McGregor Scholarship Fund at Roger Williams University is a permanently endowed fund.
The Scholarship Fund was created to honor the memory of Major Alister C. McGregor, who was killed in the line of duty, and who was enrolled at the Roger Williams University School of Justice Studies Graduate Program at the time of his death.
Read more on the Scholarship Information page.